How to Handle Las Vegas Allergy Season

You know what would be amazing? If Las Vegas allergy season literally only was one season. Unfortunately, that’s not quite the case.

If you live in Henderson, you’re pretty much used to that stifling period between March and June. You know, the one that makes your lungs and respiratory system want to shrivel up and die. (Not that we’re dramatic at all). Turns out, according to allergy specialist Dr. Sean McKnight, those of us lucky enough to live in Las Vegas have to go through two allergy seasons in a year.

I know, we feel that way too.

The other allergy season that comes in the fall picks up once the triple-digit temperatures of the summer drop. Usually from around early September to mid-October. Just when you think the year’s getting better when the desert temperature gets cooler, it blindsides you.

Environmental allergies in the desert are different from those anywhere else. A lot of people who migrate to the Las Vegas valley think that relocating to the desert might ease up their symptoms. Initially it will. However, the desert also provides its own high-pollen sources, and once the ragweed and mulberry hit, the symptoms hit, too.

Over-the-counter medication is generally the number one way to deal with allergies as best you can, but there are a few changes you can make around the house that will ease your allergies during the high-pollen season.

Think About Changing Your Air Conditioning Filters

Air conditioning is a lifesaver during the harsh Las Vegas summers.

Unfortunately, pollen is relentless and can stick to your skin and clothes.

Once it’s inside, it starts to accumulate inside of the vents designed to keep dust, mold, and allergens out of the way.

We advise changing your filters every 3 months when the pollen count is high and 6 months when it isn’t.

Get Rid of the Trees

Having a limited amount of trees in your yard won’t affect the overall pollen count. But it certainly won’t hurt to do so.

Avoid trees such as ash, various oaks, elms, cottonwoods, and pines. These are the main culprits for high-pollen, and no tree is worth sore eyes.

A local landscape contractor can help you out here by surveying your yard.

We can then identify if you have any trouble plants and trees, and remove them for you. Easy.

Wash Your Bedding Regularly

Washing and changing your sheets is a massively important thing to do anyway.

However, if you go to bed without showering during allergy season, allergens can cling to your bedding even more.

The solution is to wash and change your bedding more often, even if you do shower before bed.

If you don’t, you’re just sleeping on what makes you allergic.

Keep Your Windows Closed

I know it sounds counterproductive to anyone who doesn’t live in Nevada, but keeping your windows closed is a good thing.

Windows can invite in pollens without a filter.

Having the AC on and the windows closed is also a great way to spend the summer. Especially at night.

Talk about counterproductive.

Vacuum More Oten

Vacuum everything. Rugs, tapestries, sofas, cushions. Vacuum everything, constantly.

Our bodies and clothes bring pollen in which ends up settling on our furniture and carpets.

It’s gross but, unfortunately, as the French would say at the Eiffel Tower on the strip, “C’est la vie.”

If you don’t have time to vacuum a lot, consider our affordable and reliable cleaning service to do it for you. (We’d never forget tapestries).

After all, we’re Henderson residents. We know all about allergy season.

If you’d like more advice, give us a call.