10 Magical Benefits of Fall Cleaning

Each year, without fail, you hear about spring cleaning. But has anybody ever mentioned fall cleaning?

When you think of spring cleaning, you think of gutting your house and giving it a really good clean. The thing is, seasonal cleaning is a necessity for the upkeep of your home. Even somewhere seasons don’t seem to be all that changeable such as Henderson.

It’s time to face facts. None of us like stewing around in our own dust with our wardrobes full of old clothes. A lot of people even advise we do one deep clean for every season of the year.

It makes sense – it just tends to feel like there’s never any time.

But what if we also said doing more than one deep clean a year is even better?

Are You Cleaning Bi-Annually?

Summers in Las Vegas are dry. Between the first allergy season and the second, the soaring temperatures don’t do our homes many favors. The thing is, by the time fall comes around and the temperatures start to cool a little bit, it’s easy to get lazy.

We all do.

In this day and age, we don’t have to do it ourselves. Regardless, it can still be beneficial to do a deep clean around the fall for a barrage of reasons. From health benefits to those that will wind up being helpful in the winter months, fall cleaning will make your home look and feel wonderful.

Spring Cleaning vs Fall Cleaning

To be honest, both are as important as each other.

But because of how little fall cleaning is mentioned anywhere, we figure it’s high time fall gets to shine.

That said, there’s also a bunch of fall-specific things that can inspire you to get your cleaning gloves on or hire someone to do it for you.

Back to School, Kids

With the kids back in school and those crazy months of summer vacation in-between, change is a huge part of the season. Spring is a time for new beginnings, but fall is the time of change.

As a matter-of-fact, a little birdie told me that in some states, the trees even change color. Clean out some closets and make more space. You can never have enough.

So, What Should I Clean?

We’re huge fans of checklists. In cleaning and DIY, you name it. A simple Google search will give you some ideas on how to make one. However, sometimes it’s also good to work simplistically.

Living Room

Most of us spend the majority of our inside time in our living rooms.

  • It’s time to dust from top to bottom and vacuum everything, from sofa to carpet. Don’t let those pesky mites get in the way.
  • Think about getting your carpets cleaned as the summer peters out.
  • Trust us, it will have accumulated a lot of grime over the summer vacation.


By this, we mean both the bathroom and the toilet.

  • Make sure you have the best bathroom cleaning supplies on hand.
  • Gut all of the cabinets and ask yourself what you need to keep and what you don’t.
  • It’s time to rid yourself of all of the old toothbrush heads and razor blades and replace them with new.
  • Have somebody service the drains, too.

You might as well get everything done at once.


On the topic of drain-cleaning, the kitchen is the heart of the home.

  • Those herbs you’ve been storing away for the last year can go. They don’t go bad, but leaving them takes up space you could use for something else.
  • Away with all of the canned soup you’ve been waiting for the right time to use, as well. You’re not going to use it.
  • Make sure you dust the tops of the cabinets, too. You’ll be surprised what accumulates there.


Did you know you should flip your mattresses a couple of times a year?

  • The Las Vegas desert air over the summer can infiltrate the places you don’t expect, so make sure to vacuum every nook.
  • Change and wash every piece of bedding, and even be brave and clean under the bed. You’ll be thankful.

Or you could just give us a call and we’ll do the literal dirty work for you.