The Truth About Toxic Mold in Las Vegas

Toxic mold in Las Vegas is common. If you think a climate as hot and dry as the one we experience in Las Vegas isn’t a breeding ground for toxic mold, I don’t know what to tell you.

Besides this small factoid: TOXIC MOLD IN LAS VEGAS IS NO JOKE.

And that has to be in capital letters because of how serious toxic mold can be. It can be the route of dozens of health problems that can seriously affect you, your family, or your tenants.

What is Mold?

Truth be told, there are good molds and bad molds.

Good molds are the ones you see in your cheese or those in antibiotics. These good molds can even be black, which kinda throws a wrench in the scare tactics the press runs every couple of years.

Similarly, some of the toxic molds we have to be wary of aren’t black. You can’t tell which molds are going to make you sick.

Mold comes in every size, shape, color and spread you can think of. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to get the mold removed ASAP to prevent growth.

What is Toxic Mold?

Nearly all homes have some form of mold growth.

Some of the growth can be prevented by having your local contractor install HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) or by buying a diffuser to place in problem areas.

“Toxic” refers to a mold that produces mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are hazardous compounds that are at the root of any mold-related ailment.

If you’re unsure what to do with the mold in your premises, your contractor can help you out.

Can I Remove Mold Myself?

In most cases, you can remove the mold yourself.

Because of the environment in which it flourishes, however, you need to address problems like how and why it exists in the first place. If mold appears in your attic, garage, or even your bathroom, and you don’t identify the moisture source that was responsible for it the first time, there’s a chance it’ll keep coming back.

Your contractor can also fix this for you. It’s what we’re here for.

Removing Mold With Household Bleach

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) issued some helpful tips on how – or how not – to remove mold yourself with bleach.

These are:

  • Never mix bleach with ammonia or other household cleaners. Mixing bleach with ammonia or other cleaning products will produce dangerous, toxic fumes.
  • Open windows and doors to provide fresh air.
  • Wear non-porous gloves and protective eyewear.
  • If the infected area is more than 10 square feet, consult the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guide Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings, or contact us for guidance or any questions.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using bleach or any other cleaning product.

Can I Prevent Mold?

There are a few ways to prevent mold, and plenty of steps you can take to ensure your property or properties will stay mold-free.

Some of the ways you can prevent mold:

  • Use an air conditioner or dehumidifier during the hotter months (in Las Vegas, this is usually from June to September when temperatures rarely sink below 90°F.
  • Monitor humidity levels, making sure they stay below 50%
  • DO NOT use carpets or rugs in areas with a high level of moisture and remove any carpet that has experienced flooding and/or a build-up of moisture (we don’t mean a spilled beer here or there, don’t worry).
  • Make sure your home has more-than-adequate ventilation at all times of year (Las Vegas is warm compared to other cities, even in winter).

In Conclusion …

It’s easy and it’s simple. If your home has mold, whatever color it is, remove it or have it removed.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

If you’ve discovered mold in your Las Vegas or Henderson property, give us a call.

What we can’t help with, we will always know a person who can.