Spring Cleaning Your Henderson Home

As soon as the clocks change and the rosemary starts blooming, it’s probably time you also thought about spring cleaning your Henderson home.

Spring always seems to come early in Henderson; almost as if it comes out of nowhere. One day, the hedges and trees will appear bare and the next, it like there’s been an explosion of color seemingly overnight. There’s a reason that the greater Las Vegas area attracts a lot of Spring Break goers, and thankfully, those of us in Henderson get the good weather without the madness.

Temperatures are beginning to warm up while the brisk winds are calming down. In fact, the crisp spring air is something of a Nevada mainstay. It’s so good that travelers from all across the globe have said that the weather in March is enough to convince them that Las Vegas has the best weather on the planet. If you ignore the allergy season and the blistering summers, they also kind of have a point.

As you’ll probably agree with, living in Henderson is rewarding. We have great schools, stunning views, and if you really have to go into Las Vegas⸺really have to⸺it’s close enough that you don’t have to spend too long there. The parks are awesome, and as soon as the warmer weather comes, you know it’s picnic time with the family. That being said, there’s one other thing you need to think about: Spring cleaning.

Wherever you live, cleaning out your home on a bi-yearly basis can be cathartic. I do say bi-yearly, too, because fall cleaning is 100% a thing. If you’ve seen Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix, you might even have been bitten by the spring cleaning bug. This is awesome, even if you haven’t exactly made the first steps yet to a cleaner home. I mean, at least you now know what you should be doing. So, then, what are you waiting for? It’s time to do some cleaning!

Las Vegas Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring cleaning should be no different in Clark County than it is anywhere else. But in ways it is. Different climates can have different effects on the home, which can influence the gathering of more dust or, in wetter places, a dirtier carpet. Although for the most part, the essentials of spring cleaning are the same no matter where you’re doing it.

Schedule in Advance

Human beings like routine, therefore a schedule is probably the best way to get us to do anything. There’s a big difference between vowing to do something and writing it down. That’s why, when you’re embarking on a deep clean, you should start with a schedule. Otherwise, you’re just going to keep putting it off.

Start With a De-Clutter

Whether or not we’re hoarders is one thing, but we all have a tendency to hold onto things we don’t need anymore. We attach value to them, like the outfit you wore on your first date even though it no longer fits or the box of a cell phone you had a decade ago. Decluttering is essential for your wellbeing and the wellbeing of your home. Do this before you do anything.

Tidy Up the Rest

Once you’ve purged your home of souvenirs, mementos, and other useless possessions you don’t need, you can get to tidying. It’s fine to keep one or two things like your records or books, as long as you make sure to put them away. When you have less stuff in your house, you can tidy up way easier. Then, once it’s tidy, you can tidy as you go. Don’t forget to change your sheets, either.

Check Electronics

This counts for electronics and other things such as air conditioners, fire alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors. You might not even realize that they aren’t functioning the way that they should unless you take a good look at them. When better to do this than during your spring clean?

Yard Maintenance

A spring clean isn’t just important inside of the home, it’s also important outside. Before the blistering Henderson summer, you want to take care of your lawn.

If not, the temperatures will just keep going up until you no longer have the energy to do it yourself. A patchy lawn is never a good look. You know that, I know that, and your neighbors will definitely know that.

Spring in Henderson won’t last forever, but a clean home will make you feel as though it can.

For more tips, don’t hesitate to contact us for a consultation.