The Pros and Cons of Hardwood Flooring

While hardwood flooring is a classy and contemporary thing to have in your home, it can come with its fair share of difficulties. In fact, there are more pros and cons of hardwood flooring than it first seems.

Let’s be real here, there’s no such thing as the perfect flooring material. Like a lot of things, good flooring depends on what it is you’re looking for. Not everybody is going to like hardwood floors the same way as not everybody is going to like tiles or laminate. That being said, most of us are suckers for a good wood floor.

Wood floors look excellent in just about every room in the house. It’s equal parts traditional and contemporary. Not only that, but you can also make it your own so that no two wood floors in no two homes are the same. Varnish it, paint it, stain it. Maybe add a rug or two to it if you want a little embellishment. It just looks good.

Wooden floors in the bedroom are unique and timeless. In the kitchen, they protect from spills or muddy feet. If you like singing around the house, the acoustics provided by them is even better. Of course, that then also means that the kids’ squeals are also projected.

As many advantages as having wood floors in your Henderson property there are, it would be foolish to assume it doesn’t have its disadvantages, either. Although the benefits of hardwood flooring make for a far longer list than their adversary, it’s still good to know what kind of trials you might come into if you’re considering adding them to your home.

The Pros and Cons of Hardwood Flooring

If I’m being honest, it’s hard to know exactly where to start when it comes to the benefits of hardwood floors. I mean, simply looking at photographs of them can instill a sense of longing. Great hardwood floors can even make Ikea look frumpy.

👍 Pros

  • Splashes and spills? Forget about it. No matter what you spill onto a hardwood floor, you can wipe it up faster than you can on a carpet. It also takes far less cleaning materials than you might have stowed away in the bathroom.
  • Red wine, mud, and coffee stains? Tell it to somebody else! With red wine, it’s much easier to eradicate from wood than from fabric. Mix some detergent and hot water, wipe, and finish off with a wax. Et voila!
  • Wood isn’t just brown, it comes in all colors, shapes, patterns, and sizes.
  • Maintenance isn’t anything you’ll need to worry about. Sweeping it is easy, as is vacuuming. If only the same could be said for laminate.
  • It lasts a lifetime. Truly, a well taken care of hardwood floor can last for years. Any old mansion could verify that.
  • The resale value is exponentially higher! If you’re not planning on staying in your home for long or bought it to resell, investing in hardwood floors is essentially investing in your own pockets.
  • It’s easy to install. If you have any trouble, then just call your local Henderson handyman. (Cough cough).

Disadvantages of Hardwood Flooring

Most of the cons you’ll find when it comes to hardwood flooring are kind of trivial. Still, it’s always a smart idea to think about both sides of the coin when you’re wanting to make improvements to your home. For whatever reason it is that you’re doing so.

👎 Cons

  • It’s not a good mix for damp or humid areas. Las Vegas is humid, especially when your air conditioner or HVAC is acting up. This can weaken the wood which leads to cracks.
  • Wood reacts to temperature changes. In ways, it’s not unlike our feet. In hot temperatures, wood flooring can expand while in cooler ones, it can contract. This can lead to floor popping, which isn’t fun to deal with.
  • Price, price, price. You should be prepared to shell out extra bucks for wood floors compared to other flooring types. However, it’s costly for a reason. We recommend going all out on quality that rarely needs to be fixed rather than cheap and cheerful that needs fixing a lot.
  • Don’t forget to get out the polish. Although you won’t have to clean a hardwood floor as much as others, you’ll do well to polish it every few years to keep it at its best.
  • It scratches. Make sure your pets don’t run around on it too much or you’ll wind up with a pattern you weren’t expecting.

In Conclusion …

Hardwood flooring can be expensive, but it’s also worth its weight in gold. Besides, it just looks dope.

If you’re looking for more tips on all kinds of flooring, keep your eyes peeled on the blog.

There’s more where this came from and we do love the joy of having a good, long-lasting floor.