How to Paint the Exterior of Your Las Vegas Home

May is here and temperatures are about to hit triple digits. It might, therefore, be time to consider painting the exterior of your Las Vegas home.

It won’t be long before the summer kicks in and it’s far too hot to go outside and do something. Not only is spring a good time to clean, but it’s also an ideal time to paint.

In fact, now is a better time than ever to confront that peeling exterior, either by yourself or having contractors do it.

Is it Time to Tackle the Home Exterior?

The exterior of the house always gets overlooked. But what’s the first thing you notice about someone’s house?

Ding ding ding, it’s the outside.

A home’s exterior is like the cover of a book or Netflix grab; it’s the gold and blue color scheme on action movie posters. You might not think it matters, but it does. Additionally, once you’ve spotted peeling paint or some rust, it’s kinda hard to think about anything else.

What’s good about dealing with this now is that, with a good paint job, you won’t have to do a repaint for at least 7 years. That’s 7 years without closing your eyes at night and seeing all your worst fears of peeling paint or sun stain on the backs of your eyelids.

Not bad, right?

It Might be Worth Hiring a Contractor

While there’s nothing preventing anyone from painting the exterior of their home, there are reasons why a professional doing it might be even better. Not only could it save you money, but going the DIY route can be trying. And that’s before you even start the process of the project.

Jobs like wood staining or fascia painting require a lot of equipment—pressure washers, masking accessories, even ladders, and scaffolding—taking what appears to be a relatively cost-effective job into the thousands.

The average cost of redoing your home via a contracting business in the Henderson area, is $2,011, with prices generally ranging from $1,347-$2,682.

In short, and in Las Vegas, things don’t come cheap. However, hiring a professional contractor to paint the exterior of your home for you can shave thousands off the price.

Painting the exterior of your home yourself can be double that.

Finding a Contractor You Can Trust

Vegas contractors will promise a lot of things. It’s in our nature to win over clients with our promises and deliveries. Sometimes, however, contractors overpromise.

When it comes to duking it out with competition, there are some contracting businesses that will give you lower quotes. This makes sense, but it’s also in nobody’s interest to quote so low that we can’t get the best paint or products for the job.

Essentially, cutting corners never works out.

That paint job that lasts the better part of a decade isn’t going to be the one using the cheapest materials. A good contractor will, therefore, give you a selection of tiers.

It’s important to trust the guys working for you. Be transparent and good businesses like LV will always be there to help out.

What To Consider Before Hiring A Painter

Considering options before hiring a painter depends on a couple of things.

  1. whether you own your home
  2. whether you’re part of an HOA

Note: HOAs usually have rules and regulations for painting.

For now, let’s consider when the situation is within your control.

  • The size of your home: How many stories is your home? How many square meters is it? How much space is there around your home?
  • The type of project: Do you simply want to change the color of your walls? Does it need a repair job?
  • Which surfaces need painting: Masonry? Wood? Sliding? Trim? What kind of surfaces make up your home?
  • If your home is showing signs of wear: Is the paint flaking? Have you spotted cracks? Is there any rust?

Looking at all of these questions can help you communicate with your contractor. It can also help them give you an accurate quote, one that’s fair for both of you.

Being confident enough to talk about materials together can be the difference between what could be seen as a good service or a bad one.

You should feel comfortable enough with your chosen contractor to ask them questions about paint types, how long they think the job will take, and what their plan is.

In Conclusion …

Believe it or not, most contractors want to do the best job for you. A bad job reflects poorly, and that isn’t what we’re about at LV.

If you have any questions about the ins and outs of painting the exterior of your home, our customer service lines are always open.