6 of the Best Las Vegas Handyman Tips Ever

Looking for a decade’s worth of insider tricks for being a Las Vegas handyman? Look no further. We’ve got you covered right here.

As a Las Vegas handyman, work ebbs and flows. We don’t get many problems involving heat during the winter, and a lot of the properties on the newer end of the market. Still, there’s a lot that we can do by putting our heads together.

Sure, home services is a business, but it doesn’t have to be warfare.

1. Be the Best Handyman You Can Be

The trick to this is in sharing. I know, I know. That sounds like feelings have to come into it or something, but they don’t. Respect =/= feelings. It’s good to remember that.

All handyman businesses in Las Vegas and around the country have strengths and weaknesses. It’s like the ebbs and the flows – but it’s with home renovation and kitchen remodels. One business can excel at exterior painting and another at woodwork, and if you value your customers, you’re going to want to show some decorum. 

2. Forget About Competition 

Let them know if you’re not the best at something, and direct them elsewhere. If you’ve struck up a conversation with fellow companies – particularly if you’re based in similar or nearby zip codes around Las Vegas – they will be able to return the favor.

That doesn’t mean you’ve gotta direct all of your business elsewhere, however, you could bring in a freelance contractor yourself and give him a slice of the profits. Money has to be made, but being friendly to fellow handymen in Las Vegas and customers alike can afford you plenty of assets in expanding your business.

Also: Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

3. It’s Fine Not to Know

In Empire Strikes Back, Luke almost gives up on trying to lift the fighter out of the swamp. Yoda tells him, “Do or do not – there is no try.” 

You’re not an expert at everything and it’s cool to admit to it. I’ve been there myself a bunch of times and I’ll be there again. If you don’t know something or there’s a service you want to improve on, just ask somebodyHaving an ego will get you nowhere in the Las Vegas handyman business. I mean, most of us live here to be chill!

Learn what you don’t know that you don’t know, and then when you know it, you can learn it. 

Not to sound like Yoda, myself. I’m just a handyman in Paradise, Nevada

4. Listen to Customers

Your customers aren’t the ones here who are trying to make a livelihood out of being a Las Vegas handyman. When it comes to quoting a job – this took me years to master, so I’m a fine one to talk – don’t back down if a customer tells you something is too expensive.

They aren’t aware of the outgoings needed in order to take up this job, as well as pay for you and your services as a handyman or a business. If the customer wants to take their business somewhere cheaper – that is on them. 

We need tools, we need paint, and our families need to eat!

5. Saying No =/= Bad Business  

So, saying no is a good idea in all aspects of your life. Not just when it comes to business decisions. This ties in a little to dealing with difficult customers but it’s more than that, it’s about your livelihood and the livelihood of your home services business too.

When I look back at all the tips I’ve shared today, I can see that “no” is a theme that runs throughout them all.

Tell yourself no if you can’t do it. Tell the customer no if you can’t do it or they want to pay less for the quote than what you agreed. Tell yourself to lift the damn X-Wing out of the swamp and learn Darth Vader is your father!

So I got carried away there, but the point is: just allow yourself to say no.

Even if you’re in dire need of business as a Las Vegas handyman, if the job is badly paid or too difficult to do on a budget, say no. 

It’ll be worth it in the long run.

And finally?

 Don’t panic 

As long as the city’s residents need their homes renovated and their stuff fixed, there’ll be room for a Las Vegas handyman like us.