Is Remodeling My Henderson Home Actually Worth It?

Debating a renovation is easy, but how do you decide whether you should actually do it? By asking yourself, “Is home remodeling worth it?”

A quick web search will give you conflicting answers to this question. This is mostly due to the fact that deciding on whether to remodel your home largely depends on the individual. As in, will a home remodel be worth it for you?

Just like the question differs, the answer does, too. I’m not sure if you’re anything like me, but if you are, you’ve caught a renovation show on TV at some point and the ideas have almost outranked the envy. Their homes look awesome, and we want our homes to look awesome.

There are also different reasons you might want to look into remodeling. For example, do you plan on staying in your home for good? Or, do you want to put money into the home as an investment to, at some point in the future, go on and sell it?

Maybe you want to know what renovations will up your resale value, or maybe your wife has always wanted a little pool in the back yard and now you can afford it. Whichever reason you’re looking into a remodel for your Henderson home, here are some questions to ask yourself.

Is My Home Due for a Remodel?

The third reason you might be looking into remodeling is that cracks are starting to show around the home. In a report conducted by Land Gorilla, it’s stated that more than 65% of houses in the US are 25+ years old and are long past due for a fixer-upper.

Homes in Henderson have a median age of 16 and although the nationwide average is 37, a large number of Henderson’s homes were built between 1980 and 2009. Therefore, if your home is on the older side, it actually might be worth calling in some professionals to assess it.

Once inspected, your contractor can then advise you on any work your house might need. If the work is extensive, then maybe it will work out the most cost effective to do a full remodel of the room in question. Bathroom, kitchen, or even the living room.

What Are My Resale Chances?

The housing market in Las Vegas and all across the US ebbs and flows with each coming year. It’s hard for anybody to know where the next tide will take us. If your home requires slightly more than a new coat of paint and you decide to invest in a future resale, it’s worth knowing the numbers.

Home sales in the Henderson area are booming. That includes homes that have been renovated or remodeled. Being only 16 miles from Las Vegas, it should come as no surprise that the population has increased 13% since 2000.1

In other words, more people are moving into the area. Therefore, there’s more chance of selling your home in Henderson than there is in a lot of other cities in the country where sales are dropping. Where remodeling might not be worth it in the south, it could be right here.

So Should I Invest in Remodeling?

Although the answer to this still lies with your individual choice, if ‘yes’ and ‘no’ were to be put on the scales, ‘yes’ might hold a little more weight in Henderson.

If you’re keen to renovate but don’t know where to begin, contact us for free professional advice that could save you money. More importantly, will also save you time.
1 Henderson Population. (2019-01-10). Retrieved 2019-01-18, from