The Importance of Finding the Right Guy for the Job

Theoretically, finding the right guy for the job has never been easier. Social media has expanded the world of home service businesses tenfold.

While hiring a home contractor local to your area is best, price comparison sites and blogs with DIY advice have opened up the playing field. That being said, local renovation businesses still need promotion.

We’re not sure about you, but a lot of the contractors we’ve worked with have been the product of word-of-mouth, rather than blogs. Reviews work but can easily backfire. What it boils down to is who you trust.

Do you trust your friend who doesn’t even own a toolbox but whose brother has his own business? Or, do you trust a stranger on the internet that could be having a bad day?

Finding the right guy for the job is hard, and as with most things, there are pros and cons to both.

Online Reviews vs Word of Mouth

Do you believe the person you’ve known for years whose tiling is on point? Or, do you believe the person who was, overall, happy with the experience and left a 5-star review of, “Got the job done”?

A combination of both is usually the right way to go.

The same goes for DIY as in life; one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Combine both with your own intuition and knowledge and meet with a few different contractors. Each will bring something new to the table.

Actually Finding the Right Guy for the Job

It’s hard to find a contractor who will be exactly what you’re looking for. There isn’t a cheat code that can steer the process in your favor.

One contractor could excel at plaster and another could cut a corner and have the ceiling cave in. This is true regardless of star-rating or them being your best friend’s cousin. Luckily, we have a DIY life hack for avoiding this stuff.

A good contractor will be honest if they can’t do the job. It means they care about your property. If they can’t do something, they’ll also let you know. Talk to them; ask them what ideas they have, what they could do, or if they know anyone who can do the job.

It’s That Simple

Wasn’t it Jefferson that said honesty is the first chapter in the Book of Wisdom?

Or is that a quote from Die Hard?

Doesn’t matter.

John McClane is God, Jefferson costs two bucks, and it really is that simple.