Board Stiff: Emergency Board Ups in a Pinch

Every property manager and homeowner should know how to board up a window in an emergency. Do you know what to do in the case of emergency board ups?

Even if you’re an expert when it comes to DIY, you might have forgotten to contemplate what to do with a broken window. Broken windows are an open invitation for vandals and the weather. Leaving them to the elements can wind up being costly to fix due to the opportunity for anything from energy and water leaks to infestation.

Luckily, boarding up broken windows is an easy fix – you can patch them up yourself quickly and efficiently.

Why You Might Need An Emergency Board-Up

Luckily, we don’t see too many natural disasters in Henderson. Besides a recent increase in wildfires across Nevada, we’re pretty lucky in the natural disaster department. However, that doesn’t mean we’re completely immune from them. And we’re not just talking that one time it snowed.

Strong desert winds are probably our greatest natural enemy. These winds sometimes lead to flash floods, power outages, an increase in dust-affected allergies, and destruction of property including broken windows. Furthermore, sometimes cracks – known as stress cracks – just form in windows. 

Stress Cracks: An Apt Name

You know when you’re so stressed out, it feels like your brain might implode? Well, that’s exactly what happens with glass. Minus the thought process. This is usually a result of temperature: The foundations of your home expand in summer and contract in winter, which can affect your windows. And, given Henderson temperatures frequently climb to over 100°F in the summer, you’re looking at a strong possibility of stress cracks forming.

How to Board Up a Window Yourself

Whether you’re dealing with stress cracks or hard damage, you need to address the situation as soon as possible. Learning how to deal with an emergency board-up yourself can save you in a pickle, be it the result of an emergency or protecting your new home until you move in. 

The trick is to handle the job quickly and efficiently until you can get professionals to come in and have a look for you. First, let’s take a look at the materials you’re going to need.

  • Leather gloves
  • Safety goggles
  • Masking or packing tape
  • Trash bags
  • Tape measure
  • Tools: Staple gun, circular saw, power drill, needle-point screws
  • Sheets of plywood

Once you have all of the tools needed, be sure to gear up before doing any of the work. Put your safety goggles and gloves on and, if you need a ladder, be sure to have a ladder buddy. There’s no benefit to going up there alone – would you rather a cracked window or a broken back?

Steps to Boarding Up a Window

1. Check the Glass

Push gently on the glass to check its stability. If the glass feels stable, there’s no reason to take it out before you start your work.

2. Tape Up or Take Out

In the case of a stable piece of glass, you can use masking tape to seal the cracks both indoors and out. On the other hand, if the glass isn’t stable, you’ll have to remove the pane.

3. Measure Window and Frame

Once you’ve taped up or taken the window out, measure the pane of glass and the frame and make a note of the size. It’s important to do both because it’s always better to have too much than too little.

4. Measure and Cut Plywood

Measure your sheet of plywood carefully so that the part you cut is 8 inches higher and wider than the window frame. Then, use a circular saw to cut it down to size. 

5. Drill the Plywood

Use your frame measurements to drill pilot holes in the newly cut piece of plywood so it’s ready to mount.

5. Mount and Secure

Have your DIY buddy hold the sheet of plywood in place in front of the window. Using the holes you drilled, screw it into position using needlepoint screws.

If you find these steps tricky or don’t have a DIY buddy, there’s no harm in waiting a few hours until you can contact the professionals.

Considering Professional Board-Up Services

As much as anyone can deal with emergency board-ups themselves, it’s generally a good idea to consult the professionals. Be it after you’ve done the job or before you’ve attempted, professional board-up services are important.

Professionals are trained and experienced in dealing with board-ups for all reasons. Be it a natural break or protection from the possibilities, the right guys for the job will turn up fast and assess the damage in minutes. 

In Conclusion

If you’re in need of emergency board-up services in Henderson, our contractors can come and take a look for you.

The safety and sustenance of all Henderson residents is massively important to us.

After all, if you can’t rely on your neighbors, who else can you rely on?