5 Common Las Vegas Plumbing Problems

Did you know there are plumbing problems that are exclusive to Las Vegas? We still love living here, but it’s also good to know what you’re dealing with.

No matter where you are in the world, there’s one DIY emergency that tops them all: Plumbing problems. Las Vegas plumbing problems are no worse than anywhere else in the country, but there are some that are exclusive to this area.

Most of us know how to fix a leaky faucet or a radiator, even if we wind up having to call the landlord or a plumber at the tail end of it. In the case of emergencies, however, it’s always wise to call a professional.

Plumbing Problems to Watch Out For

Be it because of the weather or environment, certain Las Vegas plumbing problems occur here more than they do anywhere else. When all you want to do is relax after a busy day at the office, the last thing you want is for the water supply to shut off due to clogged pipes.

Here are a few plumbing problems that you might run into and ways to solve them temporarily, while the plumber is on their way.

1. Clogged Pipes

Pipes are easily clogged. Everything that runs through the drains can bundle up inside of the pipe to cause a hazard.

If you’ve noticed the water in your sink is draining slower than usual, it could be due to this.

Hair, food waste, and build-up from Las Vegas’s water can each be ingredients that cause this to occur.

Use a plunger to remove the obstacle in question, but be aware that only a plumber can prevent the blockage from occurring again.

2. Burst Pipes

You may not think this can happen to you, but there’s always a chance of a burst pipe.

Owning a home is an investment, and it’s not only because you’ve finally made that step. Water pipes, gas, electric, and other utilities aren’t easily controlled. They can break or burst at any time.

If a pipe bursts in your home, it can cause excessive amounts of damage to your belongings and your home. Damp surroundings can lead to mold that’s impossible to fix quickly.

Should it happen to you, close off the main water valve and pad the floor with absorbent materials. Then, call a plumber. Seriously. It’s what they’re there for!

3. Dripping Faucets and Leaks

How many urban legends are out there that start with a leaky or dripping faucet? If you said, “a lot,” you’re right.

The reality of the leaky faucet is far more annoying. Nobody wants to go to sleep in a home with a persistent drip, but it’s also easy to get used to. A leaky faucet may not ring off alarm bells as far as plumbing goes, but if they’re left to leak, that’s gallons of water going to waste per day.

Unrepaired leaks can lead to water damage.

Next time, don’t just place a bucket underneath the leak. Do that and then call someone.

4. Secondary Leak Problems

As well as losing gallons of water, a leaky faucet can also drive your energy and water bills up through the roof.

With the water temperature thrown off, you might get home to a cold bath when all you’re really looking for is warmth. What you can do in the meantime is tighten the washer around the faucet. Or, if possible, buy a replacement since your old one could have rusted away.

If you haven’t done it before, it is, again, best left to your plumber.

5. Gas Leaks

It’s not only water leaks you have to watch out for. Gas leaks, too.

While it’s at no cost to worry about them daily, knowing that they can occur and cause fires is something you need to know about. Gas and carbon monoxide leaks can cause rotten egg smells around the home. They can also influence headaches, nausea, mood changes, and difficulty breathing.

If you suspect there’s a gas leak in your home, shut off the mains valve as soon as possible, then call in an expert.

A good thing to have in your home is a carbon monoxide detector. Even better is one of these and a good plumber who will use their knowledge and their skills to identify the leak’s source and fix it.

In Conclusion …

These are just a few plumbing issues you might run into, living in Henderson.

All of which can be settled easily with a single phone call to a trusted Las Vegas plumber.

Think of it this way: plumbing is like dental work.

Once it’s done, you don’t have to worry about it until the next check up – plumbers can do this too.