Are You Changing Your Sheets Enough?

You don’t have to like changing your sheets. Unfortunately, it simply has to be done. If it’s not, you might just end up getting sick.

One of the worst parts of home cleaning is changing bed linens. This necessary part of being an adult feels tedious, even though we love the feeling of climbing into freshly laundered bedclothes.

It’s the actuality of changing them that puts a damper on it.

Fitted sheets, designed so that making the bed feels exponentially easier, create the opposite effect. Likewise, regular sheets can lie unpressed for months because it’s easier to leave them like that than to touch them.

Thankfully, many home cleaning services in the Henderson area offer bed linen and laundry services.

The question is, though: Why is changing your bed sheets so important?

Well, here are 5 icky answers to that question.

And we mean icky.


You know the age-old adage, “goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite”? Bedbugs do exist, but they aren’t as common as dust mites.

Dust mites feed on the flakes of skin that you shed in your sleep. You know how dust is dead skin? Well, think about it.

Mites accumulate en masse on surfaces that aren’t regularly cleaned. In fact, there can be hundreds of thousands hiding away in your linens.

They can also cause numerous health problems, causing rashes and similar breathing problems to toxic mold.

Having your linens serviced as part of your home cleaning service can save you a lot of trauma .


Allergies can be worsened by mites and by the bacteria we leave on sheets that have been on the bed too long.

Asthma and other breathing problems can arise more, disturbing sleep and leaving you tired during the day.

Replacing your pillows every few years is generally a good idea, and changing them regularly is required.


Whether you fall asleep with your makeup on, shower in the mornings, or have night sweats, there’ll be a build-up.

Sweat stains and bacteria can build up on pillowcases and on sheets. If you wake up with a zit, even if you cleanse daily, it could be down to this.

Having your sheets cleaned and serviced will do wonders for your skincare routine.

Nobody likes shelling out a lot of bucks on skincare and then still breaking out. Go this route, and you won’t.


These odors can take over your whole bedroom, even if you spray or clean it every day.

Cleaning services can help with smells, but if your sheets aren’t changed regularly, there will still be postulating odors that they can’t get rid of.

Dead skin, sweat, and oil doesn’t smell better with a spray of lavender. Your sheets won’t, your bedroom won’t, and neither will you.


One bacteria that has a tendency to spread in unwashed sheets is Staphylococcus aureus, also known as a Staph infection.

Staphylococcus aureus is a normal bacteria on the human body but when we go to sleep, this bacteria can breed.

The bacteria re-entering the body as we sleep can cause a lot of problems and illnesses such as UTIs, pneumonia, and skin infections.

In Conclusion …

Home cleaning services can help you avoid all of this.

They can provide you with good clean sheets to sleep in at night, and take the edge off of worrying about housework.

If you’re in Henderson and interested in home cleaning services that focus on customer satisfaction, give LV a call.