How to Pick the Best Paint for Your Walls

Whether you’re painting the interior or exterior of your home, you want to do a good job. That’s why picking the right paint for your walls is essential.

There are a lot of things we’re taught over the years when it comes to DIY. Next to all of those tips like, “cover your outlets with Scotch tape” and “don’t paint a dark room a dark color”, there is one lesson worth its weight in gold.

That’s how important picking the right paint can be.

Why is Picking the Best Paint So Important?

I wish I could give you a scientific response that couldn’t be contested, but all I have is what I’ve been given firsthand.

For example, when I was younger and had to pick paint for my bedroom, I craved pretty colors. Nothing else mattered.

I haven’t changed a lot and my paintwork definitely hasn’t. I still like pretty colors. When I’m not after the Godardian kick of monochromatic blacks and whites, that is.

However, I’m also slightly more realistic about my paint color, shade, and finish these days.

Selecting paint based on color trends is important because it can dictate the project.

It can inform you of how long it’ll be until you have to paint it again. Or even how crazy the clean-up will be in the aftermath.

The Right Paint Can Tie a Room Together

Be it gloss, matte, satin or eggshell, each type of paint brings its own pros and cons to the table.

Choosing the best paint for your walls will come down to personal preference. It may even vary from room to room.


Matte paint is one of the paints that I was warned against when it came to decorating because of how hard it is to clean.

Although there are premium matte paints that fare better, it’s still something to bear in mind.


Different, but similar enough to be grouped together for the moment.

Gloss paint isn’t very forgiving. It’s also not the best paint for walls and fares better on doors or trim.

Semi-gloss, on the other hand, can be used on walls, but still maintains its big brother’s glossiness.


Satin is to wall painting as Quincy Jones was to Jazz fusion: a pearly, satin finish is the best of both worlds.

Its shine makes it easier to clean than matte but tougher to touch up without the disparity in sheen being noticeable.


An eggshell finish is the best paint for your living room and bedroom walls.

Eggshell is closer to matte than satin, which makes it easier to touch up and to clean.

That being said, you’ll also need to touch-up and clean it more often.

In Conclusion …

As with everything, the right paint is a decision left up to you.

A handyman can do the work for us, but the process of picking the best paint for our walls—for our homes—is down to us.

Choose wisely.

And: When in doubt, go with satin.